The Guildhall & Barrow Surgery has a total list size of approximately 12,500 patients. The doctors have always operated and continue to operate a personal list system. This means that each doctor is responsible for all of his/her patients at any time that he/she is available within working hours.
The system enables the GP to develop a much closer working relationship with his/her own patients and ensures that for each patient ultimate responsibility clearly lies with an individual doctor. Additional benefits for patients include not having to relate ‘your story’ multiple times to different doctors, consistency of approach and a detailed knowledge of your medical history. Where possible, families are registered with the same doctor for the same reasons.
Patients are encouraged to see their registered doctor at all times, but running a branch surgery at which some of the doctors consult at different times of the week, and having clinicians working part-time hours, means that some flexibility has been incorporated into the system.