A limited number of online appointments are now available. Please use your SystmOne login to access the booking site (by clicking below or using the online prescriptions link)
1. Appointments available online include GP appointments and cervical screening appointments with a nurse. As online booking increases we hope to raise the number and type of appointments available. GP appointments booked online are currently being conducted via telephone in the first instance. Should you require a face-to-face appointment, please contact reception or discuss this with the doctor.
2. Please only book appointments with your registered GP, unless the appointment slot is clearly indicated that it is available to all. This will ensure fair appointment availability for all doctors. Appointments booked in an incorrect slot are likely to be cancelled, and our reception team will offer the next available appointment that matches your requirements. Regular misuse of the booking system by individuals may result in the termination of their access to the online booking functionality.
3. The above functionality is also available as a mobile app on Android or Apple. Use your SystmOne login as above.